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What is Emotionally Focused Therapy?
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) offers clinically proven strategies to help couples renew their trust and build a deeper level of intimacy and connection. Developed in the 1980s by Susan Johnson and Leslie Greenberg at the University of British Columbia, EFT is now one of the leading forms of couples therapy. Research shows that 70 percent of couples receiving EFT recover from relationship distress, and of those who recover, 90 percent experience significantly more satisfaction in their love relationship.

EFT's Benefits
Couples facing challenges in their relationship can overcome common obstacles that create distress, including:
recovering from affairs
intimacy and sexual disorders
clashes about finances
unproductive, hurtful arguments
parenting issues
in-law challenges

Emotion is key
In Latin, emotion means emovere, or "to move." In relationships, we are moved by our emotions. Emotionally Focused Therapy helps couples use their emotions to move them into new ways of reaching out and responding to each other, the most important two contributors to relationship satisfaction and longevity.
Meet our therapists

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